Al Quds Waqf (Endowments)
More that 40 hadeeth talking about the blessing of and Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem. The reward in the praying in the third mosque is 500 times more than anywhere else. We are also encouraged by our Prophet Mohamad (MPBUH) to go and pray in al-Aqsa Mosque but if we are unable to do so, at least send some oil to light the candle of the mosque
Jerusalem is the heart of Palestine and it has a special position in the minds of the Palestinian people. There are many difficulties facing Palestinians living in Jerusalem, particularly when it comes to education.
International Waqf and Relief Foundation (IWARF) is executing a Programme is a comprehensive programme (Al Quds Waqf) which seeks to fulfil the needs of deprived needy families in Jerusalem. This is achieved by providing a range of projects which help the needy to overcome their difficulties and lead a better life.
In Jerusalem, we are executing most of our projects on the ground. Sponsor a family, support waqf projects (endowment) in the building of Alaqsa, school Education and Social Programmes are all functional and very active in Jerusalem.
The two programmes which we are trying to establish in Jerusalem and therefore need more support for, are the Waqf such as the buildings, and the Continuing Professional Development projects of Alwaqf as a continuation charity (Sadaqa Jaria).
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