Category: | Lailat Al Qadar Palestine 2020 |
Location: | |
Date: | Feb 14, 2021 |
Duration: |

Gaza continues living in poverty and under siege since thirteenyears and the economic implications of this along with theCoronavirus pandemichas elevated the difficulties for many poorand needy families in Palestine during Ramadan 2020.IWARF aimed through this Ramadan Relief Projectto distributeFitranah, Hot Meals, Food Parcel and Eid Gifts to as manypoor families in the neediest areas of Gaza, to ease their struggleduring the increased difficult times.IWARF want to share their gratitude to you for providing them with the various blessing during the lastprecious days of Ramadan. You will be pleased to know that 7,420 beneficiaries benefited from yourdonation since Layat Al-Qadar Al-Qadar 2020.
IWARF RAMADAN RELIEF PROJECTGaza continues living in poverty and under siege since thirteenyears and the economic implications of this along with theCoronavirus pandemichas elevated the difficulties for many poorand needy families in Palestine during Ramadan 2020. IWARF aimed through this Ramadan Relief Projectto distribute Fitranah, Hot Meals, Food Parcel and Eid Gifts to as manypoor families in the neediest areas of Gaza, to ease their struggleduring the increased difficult times. |
Distributions took place during the beginning, middle and end ofRamadan. The Ramadan Relief Project was specifically focused duringthe Last special days of Ramadan starting from Layat Al-Qadar. Pleasesee details of the project below.
Fitranah 100 families (820 individuals) - £1,320 Ramadan Hot Meal 250 families (2160 individuals) - £2,500 Ramadan Food Parcel 220 families (2040 individuals) - £10,000 Eid Gift (sweets, clothes) 300 families (2400 individuals) - £5,500 |
Project Start Date 19th May 2020 Total Cost of Project £19,320 Total Project Beneficiaries 7,420 individuals Areas of Distribution Please see page 1. |
Thousands of students are using the clean water provided since 2019 which has significantly contributedto each child's educational performance and overall well-being. Schools have also seen as increase instudent enrollment as a result.
Neighbouring communities are also benefiting from the clean water provided from the Ghassan KanafaniCentral Water Station where local authorities arrange for water trucks to collect and distribute this cleanwater. Currently, the Ghassan Kanafan School complex is used for as coronavirus isolation unite foranyone coming from abroad. They are benefiting from shelter and clean water provided.
Category: | Lailat Al Qadar Palestine 2020 |
Location: | |
Date: | Feb 14, 2021 |
Duration: |
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